Osteopathy Clinic in Surrey
Jan Etherington is a registered Osteopath (with the General Osteopathic Council, GOsC), with proven high standards of clinical competence. GOsC has a very strict code of ethics for its members to adhere to and only allows professionally trained practitioners onto its register.
Jan is trained in Modern Acupuncture / Dry Needling, which is incorporated into Osteopathic treatments where appropriate. Jan also specialises in Sports Massage.
Problems commonly treated with Osteopathy include:
- Low Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Headaches
- Tension and Stress
- Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist Pain
- Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot Pain
- Arthritic Pain
- Sports Injuries
- Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
- Post Trauma Pain e.g. after a road traffic accident
Osteopathy is a manual therapy aimed to improve the function of the whole body. Osteopaths not only treat people suffering from acute and chronic pain, but also help them maintain a healthy approach to life.
Each person is assessed as an individual and once a diagnosis has been formed, a personal treatment plan is formulated including advice for future prevention of the problem.
The clinic is open and I can offer Osteopathy treatment for anyone who is not deemed 'clinically extremely vulnerable'. If you are in this high risk group you should have received a letter from your GP about shielding. I will not be able to offer you an appointment if you have any symptoms of coronavirus (including high temperature, dry cough, loss of smell/taste, etc.) Please read our policy and procedures document to learn what we are doing to mitigate the risks and keep you safe during your visit to one of our clinics. Use the drop-down menu above to find other useful information about self-care, hand washing and to see who falls into the high-risk groups. A copy of the consent form you would need to sign upon arrival is also provided, as well as the screening questions you will be asked over the phone prior to making an appointment. If you have any further questions, please get in touch. If you have been tested positive for the SARS-Cov-2 virus following an appointment at one of our clinics, please give me a call straight away to let me know.